We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.United States Declaration of Independence
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We hold these truths to be self-evident
Behind the ostensible government
Presiden Theodore Roosevelt"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I'm outraged...
I have always genuinely believed that the average american citizen was down right stupid, well most of the rest of the world have thought so...
But the level of censorship and misinformation that the American government and media machine pull over your eyes is beyond words... If I where an american public I would be furious and seriously pissed off...
Do you know, that you are a laughing stock to the rest of the world?? You think china is censoring, at least they admit it and censor the shit out in the open...
Never has so many been deceived by so few for so long...
What else needs to happen before you even begin to take an interest in the wheeling and dealings of your so called democracy??
You have accepted election rigging, assassinations of presidents, invasion and war, without even questioning the motives... WTF America get in the game why don't you...
Are you that indifferent to your own life? To your reputation? You are nothing more that the schoolyard bully only a bit more pathetic, you know the kind, a 30'ish big man who still thinks he can get away with intimidation and threats... We might comply because we don't want to get a black eye, but once he has left we laugh and pity the poor fool...
Is this really how you like being portrayed?
And the media machine run by powerful corporation just to blind you of the day to day business of whats going on... You believe what they tell you to believe, don't you want to think or have you just given up? Do you like being treated like sheeps?
You don't have a 4' estate anymore, its been taken over... In your weird and complex legal system there must be a clause about misinforming the public and calling it news, you could sue their asses for lying to you on a daily basis...
Before each fox news broadcast you should at least hear a disclaimer “This is the 4 o'clock news, brought to you by the Murdock corporation, what you hear and see might not comply with actual events or truth, this is the owners opinions and only that...
You should have some kind of labeling system, so you know if it a government journalist, corporation journalist or an actual journalist who have researched and written the news you see...
I'm disgusted and appalled... And you all know this, that's flippin' weird is all...
No questions asked, no opinion, just blind and utter naive trust in a system thinking FOR you...
WTF man...
But it is hard to hold it against you, you are the product of decades, centuries of lies and deception from the people who are supposed to have your best interest at heart... It sickens me, like abused children thinking that the abuse is the norm, only to abuse again and again and again for generations...
You are to deep in the shit to se it... And to see it is to realize what really going on...
Wake the fuck up !
I have always genuinely believed that the average american citizen was down right stupid, well most of the rest of the world have thought so...
But the level of censorship and misinformation that the American government and media machine pull over your eyes is beyond words... If I where an american public I would be furious and seriously pissed off...
Do you know, that you are a laughing stock to the rest of the world?? You think china is censoring, at least they admit it and censor the shit out in the open...
Never has so many been deceived by so few for so long...
What else needs to happen before you even begin to take an interest in the wheeling and dealings of your so called democracy??
You have accepted election rigging, assassinations of presidents, invasion and war, without even questioning the motives... WTF America get in the game why don't you...
Are you that indifferent to your own life? To your reputation? You are nothing more that the schoolyard bully only a bit more pathetic, you know the kind, a 30'ish big man who still thinks he can get away with intimidation and threats... We might comply because we don't want to get a black eye, but once he has left we laugh and pity the poor fool...
Is this really how you like being portrayed?
And the media machine run by powerful corporation just to blind you of the day to day business of whats going on... You believe what they tell you to believe, don't you want to think or have you just given up? Do you like being treated like sheeps?
You don't have a 4' estate anymore, its been taken over... In your weird and complex legal system there must be a clause about misinforming the public and calling it news, you could sue their asses for lying to you on a daily basis...
Before each fox news broadcast you should at least hear a disclaimer “This is the 4 o'clock news, brought to you by the Murdock corporation, what you hear and see might not comply with actual events or truth, this is the owners opinions and only that...
You should have some kind of labeling system, so you know if it a government journalist, corporation journalist or an actual journalist who have researched and written the news you see...
I'm disgusted and appalled... And you all know this, that's flippin' weird is all...
No questions asked, no opinion, just blind and utter naive trust in a system thinking FOR you...
WTF man...
But it is hard to hold it against you, you are the product of decades, centuries of lies and deception from the people who are supposed to have your best interest at heart... It sickens me, like abused children thinking that the abuse is the norm, only to abuse again and again and again for generations...
You are to deep in the shit to se it... And to see it is to realize what really going on...
Wake the fuck up !
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thoughts about the future...
Okay, now it's time to get some thoughts down about ... everything ...
As I see it, we decent human beings have this ONE chance of redefining OUR world, if the governments, companies and crime syndicates would to get away with this, then we might as well live in the dark ages...
This is the pivotal point in our lives, this is the time...
Communism failed quickly because too much power got shifted to very few men in a very short period of time and the whole thing went down in a corrupt mess...
Capitalism has taken a bit longer to fail, its more dynamic and less transparent to whom is in power, but now the very foundation of capitalism is shaking...
Democracy as we know it just does not work optimally, the human element is constantly present as a margin of error ... Corruption, cronyism, nepotism, greed, “a rose by any other name” and is the first problem in getting a real "democracy" ... The idea behind (as with so many other ideologies) is noble and true, but when power corrupts what do you do to get power out of the equation?
It's actually so simple and logical that it is banal ...
Power corrupts ... Information is power ... Information should be free, VERY free from all agencies. The only way to achieve a democratic information society is the uncontrollable freedom of speech...Alone we cannot do anything more than obey the rules and bureaucracy, but together we can keep track of all and everything...
Let the people govern themselves...
This of course implies a redefinition of our puritanical morals, those morals are good at suppressing an uninformed public and has no real value for the future, especially in light of the pressing nature of things to come, and we have to hurry up a bit before total apocalypse (climate, society, finance) ...
If all information needs to come to light, then we must prepare ourselves to the access of knowledge about other people (and ourselves) that we might rather not know, but everything comes with a price ... the price for not letting others decide on what should or shouldn’t be known ... Give us decent people our self-respect and dignity back, everything else is “Panem et circences”…
It has begun ... And it is obvious who is most frightened of this future perspective, those who have most to hide and thus the most to lose ... Damnit, It would be about time that we took this life a little more seriously and got a little decency, the only thing most of us wants’ are just a peaceful coexistence...
If everything is open, there are not many places to hide for you or your money, be it organized crime, multinational companies or just ordinary people ... A sort of enforced decency, but of course not forced towards the people who already just want to live decent ...
This has in reality no worth if not the entire world follow through (eventually), this has to be and is a global phenomenon ... The Internet must be the great human collective memory and consciousness ... All of nature's great collectives have different systems which enables them to collectively take decisions, be it a herring shoal, a flock of birds or a beehive, we now have the tools needed to create something similar for us as the human race...
And all we are is just a large species of different looking animals ... Imagine ohhh just imagine what man would be capable of if we used our many resources for development and harmony ... Our minds can be so much more than what we run around and use it for... if we as a race got peace and development, we would quickly be able to do things which we cannot even comprehend yet...
Consciousness is a gift from life itself and life itself is the only sacred thing in the universe, the only thing that can actually evolve to consciousness. It would be naive to believe that a god on high would side with one kind of people rather than others, if there is a god then “he” is surely not just the Jews, Muslims or whatever’s God “he” would embrace a little more than that. Also given that we as a planet after all are just a tiny ball orbiting a small star in a miniscule solar system ... What omnipotent god would waste so much time on individuals' right and wrong, when there is so much space to play in...
The consciousness began slowly thousands of years ago before the great migrations from Africa. Take an Amazon Indian child and you can teach him complex mathematics, or microbiology. We humans developed a consciousness and with that consciousness we went out to conquer the world and we conquered it. Unfortunately, we forgot where we came from in the process...
The process, in which we went from renting our planet to take ownership of it, could easily be maintained. Until now. After the industrial revolution we made a problem, now we can do harm to the planet, but the thing is we only harm ourselves, Earth will survive, it just makes an ice age or something else and start over and we as the human race will not even be scratch in the paint ... We live and survive on this ball of dirt, this spaceship and if we want more than just to live for ourselves and the individual human being we don’t have a snowballs chance of being something when we "grow" up ... Our noble duty is to develop ourselves and eventually colonized the parts of space we can reach. If not then there aren’t a lot of things that could go wrong before everything we are as people would cease to exist... All our cumulated knowledge and experience could be lost in a single generation. And we would be back in the Stone Age before we know it ...
On the other hand, one generation is all we need for decency, peace and development, it just takes responsibility from us ALL personally ...
We were the first race (which we know about) who developed consciousness, but with time and a certain harmony with the planet we would see many other consciousnesses grow. Ravens, whales, they just need to spend some undisturbed time as we did it when we "grew" up ... A time we will not offer anyone anywhere ...
It is time that is our biggest obstacle ... Because our consciousness is so divine, we are unable to see the bigger picture ... We are unable to sacrifice a little now for the hope of a better future for our children many many generations down the road and it is this consciousness that makes us incapable of it ... We have outgrown the abilities that made us survive over millions of years ... We no longer need be selfish and greedy to survive, and we should stop just looking out for our closest family, the whole fucking race is our family and we would all benefit from an Information golden age ...
The information golden age I hope and believe is on its way when internet generation grows up and takes over, when WE grow up and take over...
As I see it, we decent human beings have this ONE chance of redefining OUR world, if the governments, companies and crime syndicates would to get away with this, then we might as well live in the dark ages...
This is the pivotal point in our lives, this is the time...
Communism failed quickly because too much power got shifted to very few men in a very short period of time and the whole thing went down in a corrupt mess...
Capitalism has taken a bit longer to fail, its more dynamic and less transparent to whom is in power, but now the very foundation of capitalism is shaking...
Democracy as we know it just does not work optimally, the human element is constantly present as a margin of error ... Corruption, cronyism, nepotism, greed, “a rose by any other name” and is the first problem in getting a real "democracy" ... The idea behind (as with so many other ideologies) is noble and true, but when power corrupts what do you do to get power out of the equation?
It's actually so simple and logical that it is banal ...
Power corrupts ... Information is power ... Information should be free, VERY free from all agencies. The only way to achieve a democratic information society is the uncontrollable freedom of speech...Alone we cannot do anything more than obey the rules and bureaucracy, but together we can keep track of all and everything...
Let the people govern themselves...
This of course implies a redefinition of our puritanical morals, those morals are good at suppressing an uninformed public and has no real value for the future, especially in light of the pressing nature of things to come, and we have to hurry up a bit before total apocalypse (climate, society, finance) ...
If all information needs to come to light, then we must prepare ourselves to the access of knowledge about other people (and ourselves) that we might rather not know, but everything comes with a price ... the price for not letting others decide on what should or shouldn’t be known ... Give us decent people our self-respect and dignity back, everything else is “Panem et circences”…
It has begun ... And it is obvious who is most frightened of this future perspective, those who have most to hide and thus the most to lose ... Damnit, It would be about time that we took this life a little more seriously and got a little decency, the only thing most of us wants’ are just a peaceful coexistence...
If everything is open, there are not many places to hide for you or your money, be it organized crime, multinational companies or just ordinary people ... A sort of enforced decency, but of course not forced towards the people who already just want to live decent ...
This has in reality no worth if not the entire world follow through (eventually), this has to be and is a global phenomenon ... The Internet must be the great human collective memory and consciousness ... All of nature's great collectives have different systems which enables them to collectively take decisions, be it a herring shoal, a flock of birds or a beehive, we now have the tools needed to create something similar for us as the human race...
And all we are is just a large species of different looking animals ... Imagine ohhh just imagine what man would be capable of if we used our many resources for development and harmony ... Our minds can be so much more than what we run around and use it for... if we as a race got peace and development, we would quickly be able to do things which we cannot even comprehend yet...
Consciousness is a gift from life itself and life itself is the only sacred thing in the universe, the only thing that can actually evolve to consciousness. It would be naive to believe that a god on high would side with one kind of people rather than others, if there is a god then “he” is surely not just the Jews, Muslims or whatever’s God “he” would embrace a little more than that. Also given that we as a planet after all are just a tiny ball orbiting a small star in a miniscule solar system ... What omnipotent god would waste so much time on individuals' right and wrong, when there is so much space to play in...
The consciousness began slowly thousands of years ago before the great migrations from Africa. Take an Amazon Indian child and you can teach him complex mathematics, or microbiology. We humans developed a consciousness and with that consciousness we went out to conquer the world and we conquered it. Unfortunately, we forgot where we came from in the process...
The process, in which we went from renting our planet to take ownership of it, could easily be maintained. Until now. After the industrial revolution we made a problem, now we can do harm to the planet, but the thing is we only harm ourselves, Earth will survive, it just makes an ice age or something else and start over and we as the human race will not even be scratch in the paint ... We live and survive on this ball of dirt, this spaceship and if we want more than just to live for ourselves and the individual human being we don’t have a snowballs chance of being something when we "grow" up ... Our noble duty is to develop ourselves and eventually colonized the parts of space we can reach. If not then there aren’t a lot of things that could go wrong before everything we are as people would cease to exist... All our cumulated knowledge and experience could be lost in a single generation. And we would be back in the Stone Age before we know it ...
On the other hand, one generation is all we need for decency, peace and development, it just takes responsibility from us ALL personally ...
We were the first race (which we know about) who developed consciousness, but with time and a certain harmony with the planet we would see many other consciousnesses grow. Ravens, whales, they just need to spend some undisturbed time as we did it when we "grew" up ... A time we will not offer anyone anywhere ...
It is time that is our biggest obstacle ... Because our consciousness is so divine, we are unable to see the bigger picture ... We are unable to sacrifice a little now for the hope of a better future for our children many many generations down the road and it is this consciousness that makes us incapable of it ... We have outgrown the abilities that made us survive over millions of years ... We no longer need be selfish and greedy to survive, and we should stop just looking out for our closest family, the whole fucking race is our family and we would all benefit from an Information golden age ...
The information golden age I hope and believe is on its way when internet generation grows up and takes over, when WE grow up and take over...
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