Saturday, January 29, 2011

Paranoia as a way of life...

Paranoia as a philosophy or lifestyle choice...

Lately I have been feeling awake, alert and alive...

I have been thinking about what good paranoia has done me and I must say... It has done wonders for me...
Once you accept the notion that someone is out to get to you, then you can just observe your surroundings, cold and calculated... And react accordingly... 
But with that acceptance comes a gift... You have to mentally let go of someone out to get you, but rather something is out to get TO you...
I maybe a raving lunatic, but these times are not exactly normal... So fuck it... I will rather be crazy with a good course, than normal with a unconscious death wish...

If you take paranoia to it's limits... You will see signs and connections fucking everywhere... It's like the cosmos is trying to communicate with you... Through other people... Through nature... Through buildings and shit... 
Paranoia is a state of mind... The acceptance of something much much bigger than you... It might be government conspiracies or the cosmos talking to you... Paranoia keeps every door open, for good and bad...

With all this #WikiLeaks, one thing is certain... Someone is lying to you, someone IS out to get you... So why not accept it and move on... We have crossed the point of no return imho... Nothing will ever be as we are used to now...

Fucking revolutions all over the place... And we the "tweeks" acting as an entity... Controlling the information and media before the baddies can lie and cheat and push their dirty little corrupt agenda...

We don't need to think... We observe and react... Like an animal... The luxury of having the truth behind you, is the luxury of being able to react quickly and numerously... We have the upper hand there...

If you want to get inside my head... My agenda is very selfish actually... I fight for the survival of my DNA... I haven't come this far in evolutionary terms just to get fucked in the ass by some bastards with more monnies than me... Fuck that shit... 

With all that is happening I have realise something... That you actually CAN change things... You CAN push against a seemingly impossible force... You CAN have an impact... And I fucking love it... It energizes me beyond words... I'm trying to get that surplus of energy out to everybody on #twitter and IRL...

 I have realized that every possible future that can occur (no matter how far fetched)... Has an evenly logically and mathematically possibility to occur... It's only a question of pushing in my direction... In our direction... 
With paranoia as a mental state you can adapt the tools to see this as a game... A very serious game mind you... But still a game... If we loose we are fucked either way... But if we win..........................................

The thing is... The dedication I have towards #WikiLeaks I try to have on every aspect of my life... When I'm riding my bike home after work, my paranoia is more imminent but still as alert... I have traffic and people to look out for and observe... Signs to decipher... Sounds to translate... But it is still the same paranoia, the same openness to everything and anything... 
If I can bring something to the table, it would be the bigger picture... One can always go one step further out (or in) and observe...
Fucking paranoia saved my life...



There are probably schoolers and philosophers who might have said the same thing more eloquently... 
This is pure me baby... This is my brain talking...

Clean monnies...

I'm just thinking out loud here... Not trying to pretend that I have the slightest idea or precondition to talk about these matters...

But hey... Fuck that... This is a blog...

I have pondered the term of "clean money" or "white money"...

One could start with a sort of a fund, an Internet collection where people, decent people gave what they wanted, the money should go to good causes ... Helping where help made sense,
research, charities and sustainable (thing) ...

This money should be open for everyone to see, all accounts all transactions and payments would be visible, so people who have made donations could actually see what their money has gone to ... The only requirements of these white money would be that, all who are paid for a service must agree to open their accounts to, so people who have made donations could be certain that they do not end up in the wrong pockets ...

That would be no problem for most honest and hardworking people getting contracts from this fund but before you be considered in receiving some of these money, you have to open your accounts to the world ...

This fund would be able to receive ANY kind of money, no questions asked or investigations... A line in the sand ... There are certainly some people out there who have a lot of money they can not or will not explain the origin of...
An economic asylum, we would be able to receive everything, as everything had to be anonymous ...

With this money and the clause for openness to the subcontractor it would ensure that they actually ended up where they were needed ... If this fund now became as big as it might become, it could put pressure on firms and governments to economic transparency ...

If if if this were done properly without hiding anything one could notion the thought of a new economic system which consisted of white money... A network which was open for all to follow and take ownership over... To keep an eye out for and guard and protect... The joint human fund ...

Starting over with a total open monetary world ...

The great ideologies fails and wrongdoings are a direct result of corruption, so if one can not be corrupted, one can perhaps not fail so badly ...
