Saturday, January 29, 2011

Clean monnies...

I'm just thinking out loud here... Not trying to pretend that I have the slightest idea or precondition to talk about these matters...

But hey... Fuck that... This is a blog...

I have pondered the term of "clean money" or "white money"...

One could start with a sort of a fund, an Internet collection where people, decent people gave what they wanted, the money should go to good causes ... Helping where help made sense,
research, charities and sustainable (thing) ...

This money should be open for everyone to see, all accounts all transactions and payments would be visible, so people who have made donations could actually see what their money has gone to ... The only requirements of these white money would be that, all who are paid for a service must agree to open their accounts to, so people who have made donations could be certain that they do not end up in the wrong pockets ...

That would be no problem for most honest and hardworking people getting contracts from this fund but before you be considered in receiving some of these money, you have to open your accounts to the world ...

This fund would be able to receive ANY kind of money, no questions asked or investigations... A line in the sand ... There are certainly some people out there who have a lot of money they can not or will not explain the origin of...
An economic asylum, we would be able to receive everything, as everything had to be anonymous ...

With this money and the clause for openness to the subcontractor it would ensure that they actually ended up where they were needed ... If this fund now became as big as it might become, it could put pressure on firms and governments to economic transparency ...

If if if this were done properly without hiding anything one could notion the thought of a new economic system which consisted of white money... A network which was open for all to follow and take ownership over... To keep an eye out for and guard and protect... The joint human fund ...

Starting over with a total open monetary world ...

The great ideologies fails and wrongdoings are a direct result of corruption, so if one can not be corrupted, one can perhaps not fail so badly ...


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