Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Raw thoughts on solutions to some root-causes…

I have been thinking about solutions to some root-causes…
Remember, these reflect only what I think could have some importance and doability… 

They may be thought before… There may be whole scriptures about these issues… They may be common knowledge among learned people… I am not a scholar… I am not a researcher… I am not an organizer… I am but a lowly fisherman in this here sea of opportunities… 

First of all, I think the current “democracy” is inherently flawed and easily corruptible… I hope you know this…
Read my blog-post on my thought on E-mocracy and self-governance…

All of these thought are just that… Thoughts… And are by no means written in stone… It’s only for inspiration and should be altered and discussed in plenum…

Thoughts on how to increase taxation on carbon based transportation enormously and the trickledown effect on the local economy…

If one were to make a exponentially rising carbon taxation based on : (This should be looked upon as a reward system as much as a taxations system… The more local, the cheaper the transportation) 

  1. The distance to which goods or people travel…
  2. The nature of those goods, being the more dangerous and toxic and poisonous to the environment the higher the tax…
  3. The areas through which it travel…
  4. The fuel used by the means of transportation…
  5. A money down deposit from corporations et al to cover a worst-case  scenario…
  6. (Maybe even a cradle-to-grave tax/reward point here… I dunno)
  7. (And positively a shit-load of other point)...

It makes absolutely no sense that for example a Norwegian salmon caught in Norway should travel 2.5 times around the world just to end in a Norwegian shop… And lots and lots and lots of other examples…

If these basic principles could be implemented it would have some pretty cool effects on a local / national level…

I need to properly formulate these cool points… 

But the overall picture would be that on the long run the incentive to invest in green tech would rise a thousand fold…

An incentive to make local businesses… Hence the transportation taxation would rise… Making quality the  value instead of perhaps money and since cheap labor far far away would increase the cost of a product, incentive to invest locally…

If one were to enforce the same principles to the actual production, then an incentive would be to grow and sell (or buy) organic produce, since there would be taxation to fertilizer (and transportation)… Eat locally and by seasonally…
Maybe even old school craftsmanship’s would be attractive again… A local carpenter making a kick-ass commode would be cheaper than something mass-produced in china from IKEA…

Incentive to make small businesses…  They would now be able compete against those giants with outsourced jobs…

The list of pro’s is probably longer… And the list of con’s to, but mostly towards big corporations…
Every capitalistic monetary philosophy would still apply, just with new rules… Survive or adapt… Free competition would still apply… 

And if one were to tie this together with my thoughts on the great big humanitarian piggy-bank… Then one would have an enormous resource to react on catastrophes (A word btw whose meaning has been negativized over time, the etymological meaning is nowt but “change”) quick and decisively…

This is some thoughts about respect… Re-fucking-spect the habitat called Earth… It’s all about harmonies…
If WE as a species are to have any kind of chance of survival, WE need to take this shit serious… And cleaning up the mess… And preventing it from happening as best WE can…

Sorry… Rant…
